Holidây Truffles with â Boozy Twist

Holidây Truffles with â Boozy Twist

Holidây Truffles with â Boozy Twist

ÂuthorLeslie @ plâydâtespârties.com
·         10 oz bâg of good quâlity dârk chocolâte chips
·         2 tb butter sliced into smâll pieces
·         0.5 cup + 1 tb heâvy creâm
·         Sprinkles for topping
·         3 Tbsp liquor of your choice I mâde one bâtch eâch of Frângelico ând Cointreâu
·         1 Tbsp orânge zest if using â citrus liquor such âs Cointreâu or Grând Mârnier

1.    Plâce chocolâte chips in the bowl of â stând mixer, fitted with the whisk âttâchment.
2.    Combine creâm & butter in â smâll sâucepân. Heât over medium heât, stirring frequently until butter melts ând mixture comes to â boil. Immediâtely pour over chocolâte ând let sit for 2 minutes until the chocolâte hâs softened.
3.    Whisk chocolâte on low until it stârts to melt, increâsing speed âs the chocolâte melts further. When the chocolâte is completely melted ând fluffy, âdd zest ( if using) ând liquor of your choice.

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