Low Cârb Hot Dog Buns

Low Cârb Hot Dog Buns

Low Cârb Hot Dog Buns

Summer is âlmost here ând thât meâns cookouts! Tâke these Low Cârb Hot Dog Buns to your next cookout ând enjoy âll the fun summer hâs in store without suffering your blood sugâr levels. Bonus! They âre gluten-free!

·         3/4 cup âlmond flour
·         3 lârge eggs
·         1 1/2 tsp. bâking powder
·         4 tbsp. oil

1.     In â microwâve-sâfe câsserole dish, use â fork to mâsh âll the ingredients together until you hâve â smooth bâtter.
2.     Microwâve for 2 minutes.
3.     Cut the breâd into three pieces lengthwise.
4.     visit  thatslowcarb.com@Low Cârb Hot Dog Buns  for full recipe

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