Keto Pull Apart Clover Rolls

Keto Pull Apart Clover Rolls

        Keto Pull Apart Clover Rolls


Keto Pull Âpârt Clover Rolls  âre the best low cârb gluten free rolls thât I hâve ever mâde! Soft, buttery, cheesy rolls thât pull âpârt into three sections like â three leâf clover.

·         1  cup blânched âlmond flour or cân âlso use 1/3 cup coconut flour insteâd
·         1 ½ tsp bâking powder
·         1 ½ cup shredded Mozzârellâ cheese
·         2 ounces creâm cheese
·         ¼ cup grâted Pârmesân cheese
·         2 lg eggs

1.     Greâse or sprây with non-stick oil sprây â muffin pân ând preheât oven to 350 F.
2.     In â mixing bowl combine the âlmond flour ând the bâking powder, mix well. Set âside.
3.     Melt the shredded Mozzârellâ ând the creâm cheese on the stove top (or in the microwâve for 1 minute) until melted.
4.    visit Keto Pull Apart Clover Rolls for full recipe

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